Jamie WardJesus Christ

James Oliver WheatleyPeter

Charlie MacGechanJohn

Nathalie Rapti GomezMary Magdalene

James FaulknerCaiaphas

Robert KnepperJudas

Daniel FathersJoseph of Arimathea

Batoul Marie PrenantRachel

Sami FekkakSextus

Harry AntonSimon the Zealot

Benjamin DillowayMalchus

Valentina KamenovaEsther

Faical El KihelTiberius

Henry GarrettNicodemus

Fredrik WagnerAndrew

Sairi SalmaCaiaphas wife

Ismael KanaterGrandfather Ezequiel

Youssef TounziJames the lesser

Abbas AbdulghaniPatron David

Laura FuinoLady Leah

Ottavio TaddeiJames The Greater

Mayssae El HallaMother Mary

Billy RaynerThomas

Abdeslam BouhciniBartholomew

Vincenzo GalluzzoPhillip

Joud BouhciniOldest Boy Moses