Johnny DeppRango / Lars (voice)

Isla FisherBeans (voice)

Ned BeattyMayor (voice)

Bill NighyRattlesnake Jake (voice)

Abigail BreslinPriscilla (voice)

Alfred MolinaRoadkill (voice)

Stephen RootDoc / Merrimack / Mr. Snuggles (voice)

Harry Dean StantonBalthazar (voice)

Timothy OlyphantSpirit of the West (voice)

Ray WinstoneBad Bill (voice)

Ian AbercrombieAmbrose (voice)

Gil BirminghamWounded Bird (voice)

James Ward ByrkitWaffles / Gordy / Papa Joad / Cousin Murt / Curlie / Knife Attacker / Rodent Kid (voice)

Claudia BlackAngelique (voice)

Blake ClarkBuford (voice)

John CothranElgin (voice)

Patrika DarboDelilah / Maybelle (voice)

George DelHoyoSeñor Flan - Mariachi Accordion (voice)

Maile FlanaganLucky (voice)

Charles FleischerElbows (voice)

Beth GrantBonnie (voice)

Ryan HurstJedidiah (voice)

Vincent KartheiserEzekiel / Lasso Rodent (voice)

Hemky MaderaChorizo (voice)

Alex ManugianSpoons (voice)

Mark 'Crash' McCreeryParsons (voice)

Joe NuñezRock-Eye (voice)

Christopher Lee ParsonHazel / Kinski / Stump / Clinker / Lenny / Boseefus (voice)

Lew TempleFurgus / Hitch (voice)

Alanna UbachBoo / Cletus / Fresca / Miss Daisy (voice)

Gore VerbinskiSgt Turley / Crevice / Slim / Lupe - Mariachi Violin (voice)

Kym WhitleyMelonee (voice)

Keith CampbellSod Buster (voice)